API Documentation

Base URL: https://disstat-api.tomatenkuchen.com/v1/

Authentification can be done using the Authorization header or the apikey query parameter.
The API key can be found on your dashboard and is the same for all of your bots.

Getting bot data

This endpoint returns the basic data DisStat has stored about the bot, like it's username and avatar.
If the bot is private, an API key authorized for the bot must be provided in the Authorization header.

Method: GET
URL: https://disstat-api.tomatenkuchen.com/v1/bot/<Bot ID>


Name Type Description Required
Authorization string API key authorized for the bot from the DisStat dashboard. Only if the bot is private.

Query parameters:

Name Type Description Default value
returnStats boolean Whether the stats should be returned. false
dataPoints number Amount of data points to return if returnStats is enabled. 90
start number The start date to filter the data by if returnStats is enabled. Defaults to no start date. None
end number The end date to filter the data by if returnStats is enabled. Defaults to no end date. None

Posting bot data

Post current bot and process statistics of your bot to DisStat.
This endpoint should be called at least every three minutes (value used by uptime tracking to determine if a bot is offline), but you may post up to once a minute.

Method: POST
URL: https://disstat-api.tomatenkuchen.com/v1/bot/<Bot ID>


Name Type Description Required
Authorization string API key authorized for the bot from the DisStat dashboard. Yes


Name Type Description Required
guilds number The amount of guilds (servers) the bot is in Yes
users number The amount of users the bot can see across all servers No
shards number The amount of shards the bot is running with No
apiPing number The time in milliseconds how long a ping from/to Discord takes No
ramUsage number The amount of memory/RAM the bot's process is using currently, in bytes No
ramTotal number The amount of memory/RAM the bot could use theoretically, in bytes No
cpu number The current cpu usage of the bot's process No
bandwidth number The current bandwidth usage of the bot's process, in bytes No
custom Array of objects, see Posting to custom graphs for the structure You can send any data this way, and DisStat will try to store it somehow.

This can be used for simple custom graphs like the total amount
of tickets created, or the amount of channels your bot sees -
but you can also post an array of objects to create a custom graph.

If you're posting a property which we haven't seen before
and you have enough unused custom graph slots, it will be
automatically created as custom graph.

Posting to custom graphs

Stores a custom graph value for the bot without relying on the bot autoposting it using the endpoint above.

Libraries can implement wrappers around this, like the postCommand() function from the official disstat npm package.

Method: POST
URL: https://disstat-api.tomatenkuchen.com/v1/bot/<Bot ID>/custom


Name Type Description Required
Authorization string API key authorized for the bot from the DisStat dashboard. Yes


Name Type Description Required
type string The name of the custom graph. Yes
value1 number|string The first value as argument for the type No
value2 number|string The second value as argument for the type No
value3 number|string The third value as argument for the type No